2012 Financial data for Wood Buffalo

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Click to download Annual reports:  2012-Wood Buffalo-FS.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 2,841,795 101,493
Financial assets total 970,528 34,662
Holdings in council controlled operations
Financial assets other
Long term debt 438,922 15,676
Employee future benefit liability 16,562 592
Financial liabilities total 849,575 30,342
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions 10,425 372
Investment income 21,183 757
Other 46,947 1,677
Net taxes 498,979 17,821
Total Grants from other Governments 107,211 3,829
Federal grants
Provincial grants
Remitted to second tier local government
User charges 139,963 4,999
Total revenue 824,715 29,454


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations
Other 6,090 218
Recreation and culture 62,526 2,233
Total social services 42,103 1,504
Health services
Social and family services
Social housing
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure
General government total
Democracy costs
General government 107,083 3,824
Total non core expenditure
Environmental services 101,625 3,629
Planning and development 16,868 602
Public works
Utility operations 32,609 1,165
Solid-waste disposal 23,027 822
Public safety total 79,165 2,827
Miscellaneous public safety related items
Transit 24,038 859
Total of transportation related items
Total core expenditure
Total expenditure 498,548 17,805

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 13,611 486
Interest expense 21,865 781
Other 845 30
Salaries and benefits 189,265 6,759
Goods and services total
Contracted services 137,729 4,919
Goods 49,326 1,762
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items 22,922 819
Depreciation 62,981 2,249
Total expenditure by object 498,548 17,805