2010 Financial data for Windsor

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Click to download Annual reports:  2010 Windsor.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 1,860,538 19,341 104.8%
Financial assets total 627,548 6,524 131.6%
Holdings in council controlled operations 380,860 3,959 251.6%
Financial assets other 246,688 2,564 72.2%
Long term debt 151,414 1,574 108.4%
Employee future benefit liability 313,833 3,262 552.2%
Financial liabilities total 568,005 5,905 152.2%
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions
Investment income
Other 63,971 665 117.7%
Net taxes 305,509 3,176 163.2%
Total Grants from other Governments 277,990 2,890 317.2%
Federal grants
Provincial grants
Remitted to second tier local government
User charges 144,209 1,499 156.8%
Total revenue 791,679 8,230 174.1%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations
Recreation and culture 56,725 590 121.3%
Total social services
Health services 9,798 102 48.9%
Social and family services 261,781 2,721 332.9%
Social housing
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure
General government total
Democracy costs
General government 50,255 522 171.0%
Total non core expenditure
Environmental services 65,615 682 121.5%
Planning and development 9,748 101 99.9%
Public works
Utility operations
Solid-waste disposal
Public safety total 136,647 1,421 212.1%
Miscellaneous public safety related items
Total of transportation related items
Total core expenditure
Total expenditure 682,952 7,100 176.4%

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 157,440 1,637 293.9%
Interest expense 7,627 79 104.1%
Salaries and benefits 278,249 2,893 156.8%
Goods and services total 171,155 1,779 147.1%
Contracted services
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items
Depreciation 68,481 712 73.9%
Total expenditure by object 682,952 7,100 162.5%