2012 Financial data for Quebec

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Click to download Annual reports:  2012-Quebec-FS.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 4,211,687 16,466
Financial assets total 898,691 3,513
Holdings in council controlled operations
Financial assets other
Long term debt 1,941,251 7,589
Employee future benefit liability 207,009 809
Financial liabilities total 2,526,576 9,878
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities -1,627,885 -6,364


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions
Investment income 12,977 51
Other 142,442 557
Net taxes 841,327 3,289
Total Grants from other Governments 384,538 1,503
Federal grants
Provincial grants
Remitted to second tier local government
User charges 138,310 541
Total revenue 1,519,592 5,941


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations
Other 108,606 425
Recreation and culture 170,186 665
Total social services 8,885 35
Health services 8,885 35
Social and family services
Social housing
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure
General government total 157,696 617
Democracy costs
General government
Total non core expenditure 445,373 1,741
Environmental services 187,006 731
Planning and development 107,556 420
Public works
Utility operations
Solid-waste disposal
Public safety total 199,611 780
Miscellaneous public safety related items
Transportation 420,967 1,646
Total of transportation related items
Total core expenditure 915,140 3,578
Total expenditure 1,360,513 5,319

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 99,917 391
Interest expense 108,606 425
Other 26,601 104
Salaries and benefits 608,460 2,379
Goods and services total 309,656 1,211
Contracted services
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items
Depreciation 207,274 810
Total expenditure by object 1,360,513 5,319