2009 Financial data for Edmonton

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Click to download Annual reports:  Edmonton2009.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 7,739,719 23,107 74.9%
Financial assets total 4,361,322 13,021 148.3%
Holdings in council controlled operations 2,470,781 7,377 314.1%
Financial assets other 1,890,541 5,644 75.4%
Long term debt 1,492,566 4,456 104.7%
Employee future benefit liability 115,034 343 130.3%
Financial liabilities total 2,288,375 6,832 86.9%
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities 2,072,947 6,189 678.6%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions 5 0 0.0%
Investment income 9,784 29 20.0%
Other 293,877 877 101.6%
Net taxes 837,766 2,501 95.7%
Total Grants from other Governments n/a
Federal grants 37,166 111 189.2%
Provincial grants 71,415 213 40.1%
Remitted to second tier local government n/a
User charges 452,983 1,352 51.2%
Total revenue 1,702,996 5,084 72.8%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations n/a
Grants n/a
Other n/a
Recreation and culture 168,752 504 52.3%
Total social services 75,341 225 144.9%
Health services n/a
Social and family services 41,512 124 107.5%
Social housing 33,829 101 58.1%
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure n/a
General government total 331,610 990 123.1%
Democracy costs n/a
General government n/a
Total non core expenditure n/a
Environmental services n/a
Planning and development 27,673 83 38.3%
Public works n/a
Utility operations 86,481 258 37.5%
Solid-waste disposal 109,705 328 163.6%
Public safety total 430,217 1,284 113.9%
Fire n/a
Police 258,340 771 142.7%
Miscellaneous public safety related items 171,877 513 279.7%
Transit 285,183 851 193.1%
Transportation 284,154 848 249.5%
Total of transportation related items 569,337 1,700 147.0%
Total core expenditure n/a
Total expenditure 1,870,896 5,586 89.0%

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 92,655 277 108.4%
Interest expense 64,938 194 122.1%
Other 3,831 11 7.3%
Salaries and benefits 996,142 2,974 122.8%
Goods and services total 419,090 1,251 64.1%
Contracted services 201,764 602 59.9%
Goods 217,326 649 84.0%
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items n/a
Total expenditure by object 1,870,896 5,586 98.0%