2013 Financial data for Edmonton

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Click to download Annual reports:  2013-Edmonton-AR.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 11,629,860 24,116 53.3%
Financial assets total 4,508,856 9,350 74.8%
Holdings in council controlled operations n/a
Financial assets other 17,809 37 2.0%
Long term debt 2,426,187 5,031 79.8%
Employee future benefit liability 128,263 266 62.7%
Financial liabilities total 3,407,276 7,065 66.8%
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities 1,101,580 2,284 258.0%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions 2,432 5 1.5%
Investment income 104,294 216 94.3%
Other 654,899 1,358 191.3%
Net taxes 1,115,909 2,314 46.2%
Total Grants from other Governments 119,381 248 17.8%
Federal grants 79,765 165 128.3%
Provincial grants 420,576 872 73.5%
Remitted to second tier local government n/a
User charges 632,377 1,311 34.9%
Total revenue 2,424,416 5,027 46.3%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations n/a
Grants n/a
Recreation and culture 208,843 433 32.4%
Total social services n/a
Health services n/a
Social and family services 37,555 78 38.9%
Social housing 24,214 50 9.2%
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure n/a
General government total 2,431,179 5,041 156.6%
Democracy costs 172,258 357 235.5%
General government 160,718 333 27.2%
Total non core expenditure n/a
Environmental services n/a
Planning and development 74,754 155 45.1%
Public works n/a
Utility operations n/a
Solid-waste disposal n/a
Public safety total 556,435 1,154 71.4%
Fire 174,184 361 55.5%
Police 347,760 721 79.6%
Miscellaneous public safety related items 34,491 72 35.0%
Transit 380,994 790 111.4%
Transportation 373,418 774 56.6%
Total of transportation related items 754,412 1,564 124.1%
Depreciation n/a
Total core expenditure n/a
Total expenditure 2,612,381 5,417 57.3%

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 76,100 158 55.8%
Interest expense n/a
Other n/a
Salaries and benefits 1,304,478 2,705 71.2%
Goods and services total n/a
Contracted services 222,975 462 27.5%
Goods 303,683 630 55.1%
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items n/a
Depreciation 7,999 17 1.5%
Total expenditure by object 2,612,381 5,417 57.3%